
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 01:41:06
3.Amperage/voltage adjustment control
When Process Selectorc switch is in the Constant Current position,turn control clockwise to increase amperage.Read amperage from outer scale of control.When Process Selector switch is in the Constant Voltage position,turn control clockwise to increase voltage.Voltmeter value changes as control knob is turned .Control can be adjusted while welding.

3安(电流单位)/伏(电压单位) 调节控制
当Process Selectorc(直译是加工选择器)调到直流电时,顺时针方向转动控制器加大电流。电流读数超过刻度。当Process Selector调到稳压状态,转动开关顺时针加大电压。电压随着控制扭的转动变化。控制可以焊接的时候调节。